Our Bengali Cuisine located in Pune has got the art of preparing and cooking all types of Bengali dishes. We use distinctive ingredients and techniques associated with the Bengali culture that are as pleasing to one’s taste buds. Bengal, a state located in the eastern part of India, which is now apportioned between Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal.
Our Pune based Bengali restaurant is famous for its everyday Bengali recipes due to its subtle flavors, which makes it an appetizing meal. We serve a traditionally developed multi-course meal, which is closely connected to the service a la russe style of French cuisine.
Payesh, one of the traditional and important Bengali dishes, is a must to be served on any special occasion. Also given as the first spoon of nonsolid food (other than milk) to an infant who is 6- 8 months old. This is the first Annaprashan or the Rice ceremony that a Bengali Child witnesses.Badam tel
(groundnut/vegetable/sunflower/soybean) has been used in the culinary of Bengali food instead of Shorsher tel (mustard oil). The latter is no longer considered as the primary cooking oil for Bengali cuisine.
Other common ingredients in preparing Bengali food may include Shorshe paste (mustard), holud(turmeric), dhone (coriander seeds and leaves), ada (ginger). The Panch Phoron is blended spices used in the cuisine of Bengal. It is a combination of 5 spices namely radhuni (carum roxburghianum seeds), jeera(cumin), kalo jeera (black cumin), methi (fenugreek) and mouri (fennel seed).
Kumortuli is a place situated in the northern Kolkata. Here idols are made. Bhog is the food worshipped to the idol during Pujo. It is served in banana leaves to give the feeling of divinity.The traditional Bengali meal is Rice which is accompanied by starters in the form of ghee, daal or vegetables. Rice may also be eaten with fish, meat or chicken. Another important characteristic of Bengali food is the use of a cutting instrument, the boti(known as “Da” in some regions) It is a long-curved tool, that requires the pressure of both hands to cut anything from tiny shrimps to large pumpkins. The existence of a knife is less in the Bengali kitchen.
Bengali Cuisine is considered to be one of the delicious blends of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. This state is known as the land of “Maach aar Bhaat” which means fish and rice. Different varieties of Bengali cuisines in festivals, occasions and seasons form an integral part of the Bengal culture.
We cordially invite all of you to reach us and fulfill your desire.